People of Courage

Photo by Dylan Hunter on Unsplash

Fear. It can steal our sleep, health, career satisfaction, family harmony, and make us stagnant. It can prevent us from savoring the life that God has gifted to us. “There’s no thief like fear,” sings Jason Gray, one of my favorite musicians. Did you know you don’t have to let fear control your life? I didn’t.

Growing up, and throughout nearly all of my life, fear was a constant companion. It was all I had ever known, and because it was such a part of me, I didn’t see it for what it was, or know that I could be free from it.

As far as I know, there wasn’t any traumatic experience that caused my fear. I wish it were that way for everyone that experiences it, but sadly, that is not the case. For me, what started as shyness ended up affecting every aspect of my life. 

After going through a painful divorce, I desperately clung to the Lord and tried to make sense of my life. I spent hour upon hour with Him, finding solace in His presence and written Word.

Gradually, the Lord started opening my eyes, through Scripture, sermons, and books, to the truth that many of my thoughts and decisions were rooted in fear. Now that I knew this, what to do about it?

Then one day, while sitting in church, the Lord showed me something:

God’s Word commands us countless times to not be fearful. So…if it’s a command, then that means we have a choice, right? We can either choose to be afraid or choose not to be. How had I never seen that before? Then and there, I made a decision that would change the rest of my life. I made the decision to not be afraid.

Daily, we are overwhelmed with messages meant to instill fear in us. Everywhere we turn, we’re being bombarded with these messages – on social media, TV, radio, newspapers, and magazines. The enemy of our souls uses fear to create discord in our homes, cities, and countries. But there is a better way.

The Bible is full of promises made by God. I refuse to be afraid and choose to speak those promises out loud instead.

“Your Word says that You will never leave me nor forsake me, so I will not be afraid.” Or “Your Word says that You are my refuge and my strength, an ever-present help in times of trouble, so I will not be afraid.” You get the picture.

The more I proclaim God’s Word aloud, the less often fear even tries to take over. I no longer live in fear, and you don’t have to, either. The Bible says that perfect love casts out fear. The more we spend time with God and meditate on His Word, the more He fills us with His love, and it weakens fear’s grip.

One of the main characters in the movie Courageous said, “Where are you men of courage?” But I also have to ask, where are you women of courage? Although the movie was about fathers accepting their God-given roles and responsibilities, women have vital roles to play as well.

Everything suffers and our priorities get jumbled up when we live in fear. The state of our spiritual lives can have negative effects on our health. It can have devastating consequences on our families. Other things in our lives unravel in the process.

It is never too late to break the fear cycle. You can do it today. The Lord is faithful. He came to heal the brokenhearted. He can bring good out of all of our past mistakes and transform ugliness into something beautiful.

My favorite words in the song Courageous are, “The only way we’ll ever stand is on our knees with lifted hands.” Amen. Come to Jesus, Yeshua, and let go of your fear. You will find forgiveness, renewal, strength, restoration, and peace. May He make us people of courage.

9 thoughts on “People of Courage

  1. Leslieeeeeee!!! This is ANOINTED! I love it. Wow. I’m sharing! 🙂

  2. Kay says:

    Lovely, thank you for sharing

  3. Helen says:

    Beautiful and encouraging to me!

  4. […] it.  Even as a Christian, it was with me, until the Lord took it away.  You can read about it here if you’re interested.  He healed me from feelings of rejection, too, but that’s a story […]

  5. Connie says:

    This speaks depths to my soul🙏🏼❤️Thank you

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